acne scars Prevention Tips

Acne is one of the most common and scary skin problems that teenagers and adults all over the world deal with. When one thinks of acne, one can easily picture redness all over the face, excessive oil and a swath of red pus-filled pimples. Many kids and adults who suffer from acne also suffer from self-image issues and struggle to treat this skin condition effectively.

And when they fail to treat acne effectively it can often lead to acne scarring which will have long-lasting impressions on your skin. If you are plagued with acne woes and are deathly afraid of acne scars, then read on to find out some measures you can take to avoid long-term damage.

Tips to avoid long-term acne scarring

  • Avoid popping your pimples. As a rule, never pop your pimples or pick on them. This can worsen your acne and easily result in scarring. When you pop a pimple, oil and bacteria come out and this also interferes with the natural healing process of the skin which leads to scar formation.
  • Understand your acne and treat it carefully by using the right products. We all know the saying, prevention is better than cure and one of the easiest ways to help avoid acne scars is by correctly treating your acne in time. Use acne-fighting ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid on active acne to help treat it.
  • As a way to prevent acne from getting worse and in turn causing scars, you must also find ways to reduce the excess oil production in your skin. This can be done by using an oil-fighting acne cleanser 2 times a day, hydrating your skin and drinking ample water, avoiding oily and junk foods etc.
  • Never forget to moisturise while dealing with acne! You might be tempted to skip moisturisation when you have active acne, but without moisture, your skin will work extra hard to produce oil and this can lead to your acne getting worse! So if you want to avoid scarring, you must moisturise regularly. Look for ingredients like niacinamide and lactic acid in your acne moisturiser which will help nourish the skin and reduce acne scars too.
  • Did you know that wearing sunscreen can help with acne scar prevention too? Sun damage can darken acne spots and scars and make them more visible. Wearing sunscreen with 30-50 SPF every day can help protect your skin from sun damage and prevent acne scars too.

What are some ways you can deal with acne scars once you already have them?

Acne scars are tough to work with and get rid of. There are four main kinds of acne scars, namely

  1. Rolling scars
  2. Boxcar scars
  3. Icepick scars
  4. Keloid scars

Only a dermatologist can check your skin and assess which kind of scarring you have. Once they do, they can recommend products and skin solutions to fight these acne scars. Some of the most commonly prescribed acne scar-fighting products have ingredients like retinol or Vitamin A, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, lactic acid etc, AHAs, Vitamin C and Niacinamide.

Some of the commonly done procedures for acne scars include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, micro-needling, and oil-control facials. makeO skinnsi can be your perfect one-stop destination for acne scars as we provide thorough and personalised acne treatments for pimples, scars and open pores. For scars, in particular, we offer an excellent makeO skinnsi scar reduction service which reduces the depth of scars and minimises pores while being minimally invasive, extremely safe and suitable for all skin types!

Interested? Visit our website to book your first appointment today!

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